To move to Belgium from the UK you must be able to present certain identity and residence documents. You must apply for a visa at the Belgian Embassy or the consulate in the UK. If you want to stay for a very long period or permanently, you will need another residence document after your visa has expired.
These residence documents are the responsibility of the FPS Home Affairs, Department of Federal Immigration.
You must inform your local municipality (commune/gemeente) if your circumstances change. For example, tell them if you move home or change your marital status, so your registration is kept up-to-date. This applies to everyone in your household.
UK Pensions and Tax
Before moving to Belgium from the UK, you must notify the UK government offices that deal with benefits, pensions and tax.
Healthcare in Belgium
You must register with a health insurance fund (mutuelle/ziekenfonds) to access the healthcare system if you are resident in Belgium. If you are working, both you and your employer will make contributions to your social security and healthcare system through the mutuelle/ziekenfonds. The amount you have to pay is set by the Belgian government.
When you visit a doctor or pharmacist, you need to pay and then send the receipt to your mutuelle/ziekenfonds.
The amount you’ll be refunded depends on the health services covered by your insurance.
Working in Belgium
If you are planning to move to Belgium and work, you must hold a work permit using the forms provided by the regional employment agencies. To apply for a job, you may need a UK police certificate and a Belgian criminal records certificate (extrait de casier judiciaire/uittreksel uit het strafregister), which you can request at your local municipality (commune/gemeente).
Customs Documents
To move your household goods and personal effects, you will need the following documents.
- T1 transit form
- Export Accompanying Document (EAD)
- Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) in the Import Control System (ICS) to the port of entry.
- Passport
- Work permit
- Original Certificate of Residence obtained from the local Belgian town hall
- Proof of cancellation of residence abroad
- T1 document
- Inventory of goods
Moving Pets to Belgium
Documents Required
- Original international vaccination book
- Veterinary health certificate
- Pet microchip number (if applicable)
Prohibited/Restricted Goods
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition or explosives
- Pornographic material
- Non-prescription drugs
- Radio transmitters
- Animal skins, ivory and similar products from protected species
- Food items and milk products
- Animals, birds or fish (alive or dead)
- Counterfeit goods
- Plants
Professional qualifications in Belgium
You may need to get your professional qualification recognised if you want to work in a profession that is regulated in Belgium.
If you have not had your qualification recognised, contact the UK Centre of Professional Qualifications (UK CPQ).
Driving in Belgium
You can exchange your licence without having to take a test. However, this can take some time, so it should be done as soon as possible.
Importing your car to Belgium
You must tell DVLA if you’re taking your vehicle out of the UK for 12 months or more. This is known as permanent export.
You should:
- Fill in the ‘permanent export’ section of your vehicle log book (V5C) and detach it from the log book.
- Send the completed ‘permanent export’ section to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BD. Include a letter if you’ve moved abroad and want your vehicle tax refund (if you’re entitled to one) sent to your new address.
- Keep the rest of your log book (V5C) - you need it to register your vehicle in the country you’re taking it to.
- Update the address on your driving licence if you’re moving home.
To import the vehicle, you will also need;
- Original registration card
- Certificate of insurance from origin country
- Copy of purchase invoice
This guide is an overview only and readers should seek further advice from the official bodies in the country to which they are moving.