UK Pensions and Tax
Before moving to Germany from the UK, you must notify the UK government offices that deal with benefits, pensions and tax.
Residency in Germany
To live and work in Germany, if you don’t already have a visa, you will need a residence permit from the local Foreigners Authority ‘Ausländerbehörde’. You cannot work until you have the correct residence permit.
You must also register at your local registration office ‘anmelden’ within 14 days of arrival. The office has different names locally such as ‘Einwohnermeldeamt’, ‘Kreisverwaltungsreferat’ (KVR), ‘Bürgerbüro’ or ‘Bürgeramt’.
If you move home in Germany, you must register within 14 days of moving at the registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) responsible for your new address. You should also de-register ‘abmelden’ if you leave Germany.
Healthcare in Germany
Health insurance is compulsory in Germany. As a resident in Germany, you must join a German health insurer ‘Krankenkasse’. You can often do this through your employer.
You can choose your health insurer (in German) and in some cases you can choose private health insurance ‘private Krankenversicherung’ instead of the standard statutory health insurance ‘gesetzliche Krankenversicherung’.
Customs Documents
To move your household goods and personal effects, you will need the following documents.
- T1 transit form
- Export Accompanying Document (EAD)
- Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) in the Import Control System (ICS) to the port of entry.
- Copy of valid Passport
- Customs Form 0350
- “Anmeldbestaetigung” (Confirmation of registration at the new residence in Germany) “Abmeldebescheinigung” (Change of Residence Notice showing how long you have lived outside the EU or a letter from an employer or German Embassy confirming 12-months residency outside the EU
- Detailed inventory of goods
- Certificate of change of residence, issued by the French Consulate
You may also need a rental contract and employment contract if possible.
Moving to Germany with Pets
Documents Required
- Original international vaccination book
- Veterinary health certificate
- Pet microchip number
Prohibited Goods
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition or explosives
- Pornographic material
- Non-prescription drugs
- Radio transmitters
- Animal skins, ivory and similar products from protected species
- Food items
- Animals, birds or fish (alive or dead)
- Counterfeit goods
- Items protected by the 1973 Washington Convention (CITES)
Tobacco, cigarettes or cigars are subject to duty or tax payments.
Alcohol does not qualify as household effects and is always subject to duties and taxes. The shipper is required to sign a customs declaration to confirm that the shipment does not contain alcoholic beverages.
Professional qualifications in Germany
You may need to get your professional qualification recognised if you want to work in a profession that is regulated in France. The UK Centre for Professional Qualifications can advise.
Importing your car to Germany
The car may be subject to a 10% import duty and 19% import VAT (Einfuhrumsatzsteuer) unless you can prove that you have given up your residence in the UK, are establishing a new residence in Germany and have been residing outside Germany for at least 12 consecutive months.
Documents Required
- Proof of ownership
- Car documents
- Bill of lading
- Anmeldebestatigung (registration certificate for your address in Germany)
- Insurance card from the UK
- Third-party liability insurance initiated at Customs clearance
- Registration and copy of title
- certification from the German Federal Motor Vehicle Registry indicating the vehicle has not been registered in Germany before
- proof the vehicle has successfully completed the safety and roadworthiness inspection and emissions control test
Driving in Germany
You must exchange your UK driving licence for a German one within 6 months of moving there. You will not need to take a driving test to exchange your licence. Your local Bürgeramt can tell you where to exchange your licence.
You cannot use an International Driving Permit (IDP) instead of exchanging your licence.
This guide is an overview only and readers should seek further advice from the official bodies in the country to which they are moving.