Norwegian ID number
Everyone on the Norwegian National Population Registry (Folkeregisteret) is assigned a national identity number. This is an 11-digit personal identifier. The last 5 digits are called a ‘personal number’.
Many public and private sector organisations require you to have a Norwegian identity number so you can access their services. You need it to open a bank account, register with a GP (fastlege), and pay taxes.
UK Pensions and Tax
Before moving to Norway from the UK, you must notify the UK government offices that deal with benefits, pensions and tax.
Healthcare in Norway
You must register as a resident if you’re living in Norway for more than 3 months.
Once you’re a resident, you’re entitled to state healthcare on the same basis as a Norwegian citizen.
If you’re employed or self-employed, you will make contributions to the National Insurance Scheme.
Once you’ve registered as a resident and have your ID number, you will be able to access healthcare services through the Norwegian state healthcare system, Helfo.
You will need to give your Norwegian ID number when you register with a GP and each time you have an appointment.
State healthcare in Norway is not completely free. You may have to pay some of the cost of any treatment.
Working in Norway
If you are planning to move to Norway to work, you may need a visa. Norway has a quota for work permits. To apply for a job you may need to provide a UK police certificate.
Professional qualifications in Norway
Some professions are regulated by law. This means that you must fulfil certain requirements in order to practice the profession or use a certain professional title in Norway. To work within a regulated profession, you must apply for and receive recognition from the competent authority in charge of your profession.
The UK Centre of Professional Qualifications (UK CPQ) can help.
Customs Documents
To move your household goods and personal effects to Norway, you will need the following documents.
- T1 transit form
- Export Accompanying Document (EAD)
- Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) in the Import Control System (ICS) to the port of entry.
- Passport (copy of photo page)
- Customs Form RD0030E (importation of removals goods)
- Original Bill of Lading
- Norwegian ID Number
- T1 document
- Inventory of goods in Norwegian or English (2 copies)
Moving Pets to Norway
Documents Required
- Vaccination record
- Veterinary health certificate
- Pet microchip number (if applicable)
- Certificate of de-worming against echinococcus
Prohibited/Restricted Goods
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition or explosives
- Pornographic material
- Non-prescription drugs
- Radio transmitters
- Animal skins, ivory and similar products from protected species
- Food items and milk products
- Animals, birds or fish (alive or dead)
- Counterfeit goods
- Plants
Alcohol requires an import permit from the Ministry of Drugs which must be obtained prior to import. High duties and taxes will apply.
Driving in Norway
You cannot renew or replace your UK licence if you live in Norway. You must exchange your UK licence for a Norwegian one, but do not need to take a driving test.
Importing your Car to Norway
You must contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for the technical requirements when registering it in Norway.
You must also tell DVLA if you’re taking your vehicle out of the UK for 12 months or more. This is known as permanent export.
To clear customs, you will need:
- Transit documents.
- The invoice of purchase of the car.
- Original Foreign Registration documents.
- Proof of insurance.
All taxes and duties must be paid to Customs before a shipment with a vehicle is released.
This guide is an overview only and readers should seek further advice from the official bodies in the country to which they are moving.